Friday 27 March 2015

The Australian Dunny...

The Australian Dunny... Traditionally located approximately 50 metres from the house.... Ummm, what memories that brings back... The long scary walk with dog, down the stairs and across the lawn in the dark as a kid. Praying you don't find a snake in the dunny this time. A butt sore from being wiped with cut up newspaper. Hands black with the print. The smell of sawdust and other interesting things. The green frog that kissed you on the butt just to make sure you didn't hog the dunny too long.... oh and the redbacks.. It took you longer to make sure it was safe to take a seat then it did to do what you went for. They were the good old days.... lol

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Bush Walk 'Binna Burra - Lamington National Park'

Caves Circuit (Bush Walk) is 5 km's and classified as easy. It should take about 1 1/2 - 2 hours.

Ummmm... Maybe they sent three 50yr old women in to do this walk and when they returned without requiring medi evac, they decided it must be easy. I would classify it as easy for the fit and agile. In saying that, it is definitely not hard either. We did it and no one died. It is all uphill if you leave from the picnic area entry. Not much steep uphill stuff though. It snakes across the side of the mountain so the elevation is rather gentle. It is a tad slippery in spots and a sure footing is definitely required to get over a few rocky areas.

The leeches were all out to play and rather relishing the fresh bushwalker who dare pass by. Once you reach the top exit, you need to walk 1 1/2km back down the bitumen road to your car. We felt this was a much better then doing the downhill version and then having to walk 1 1/2km back up a hill at the end when we had run out of puff.

It is a beautiful region and the caves are fabulous. I highly recommend you take the drive (which is also beautiful), do this short walk then enjoy a picnic under a shady tree. Just a glorious outing. There are compost toilets at the picnic area.

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Emergency Triple Zero (000) App for IOS & Android Smartphones

One of my favourite app’s. Fortunately, I have never had to use it but I feel better knowing I have it.

Emergency Triple Zero (000)

Smartphone App for IOS & Android

  • provide the caller with information about when to call Triple Zero (000) 
  • provide the caller with information about who to call in various non-emergency situations
  • provide the caller with their nearly exact LONGITUDE AND LATITUDE

  • State Emergency Service (SES) (132 500) 
  • Police Assistance Line (131 444) 
  • Crime Stoppers (1800 333 000) 
  • Health Direct Australia (1800 022 222) 
  • National Relay 
  • Assist the caller to dial the relevant number 
  • Display the GPS coordinates of the phone's location that the caller can read out to the emergency operator. 

Other emergency-related apps - Please be aware

There is a range of other publicly available apps that claim to assist callers in an emergency. Some of these apps simply provide information about who to contact, while others claim to assist callers in requesting emergency assistance or to provide information about the caller’s location to an emergency service organisation.

not all of them can do what they claim and could delay emergency assistance 
the only way of contacting (000) is with a voice call—you cannot use SMS, email, instant messaging, video calling or social media to contact emergency services via Triple Zero (000) 
apps are not able to automatically provide details of your location to Triple Zero (000) or and emergency service organisation—however, you can read out your GPS coordinates to the emergency operator if they are provided on your smartphone. 

You should not rely on any smartphone app as your only way of requesting emergency assistance. In an emergency it is always best to call Triple Zero (000) direct.